Johnies are johns own channel points in use over at

  • !johnies

    See how many johnies you have in your Johnie Account.

  • !givejohnies 100 @username

    Give some of your johnies to someone else.


Start building your army of greylings in chat by dueling other chatters. The winner takes both greylings back to camp.

  • !greylings

    See how many greylings you have and some short info on Greyling Duels

  • !duel @someonesusername

    Send a greyling out to duel someone else in chat.
    They must have a greyling to defend with or the duel won’t happen.

  • !shop buy greyling

    Buy a greyling with your johnies.


  • !corehunt

    Gather your viking buddies in chat and go raid a chamber for some more cores.

    type !corehunt 500 to wager 500 johnies on the chamber raids outcome. If you dont specify a wager, the entry fee is 10 johnies to ride along. type !johnies in chat to see how much johnies you have.

  • !troll

    Just a troll doing its thang.
    1000 johnies

  • !chickens

    just some chickens and a gonzo being musical.
    2500 johnies

  • !ateam

    Family Guy goes A Team.
    2500 johnies

  • !biggayal

    Im super! Thanks for asking! Big Gay Al cheers you up.
    2500 johnies

  • !elderberries

    …And your father smells of elderberries!
    2500 johnies

  • !greatest

    This is not the greatest song in the world. But near enough.
    2500 johnies

  • !heman

    By the power of greyskull!
    2500 johnies

  • !lumberjack

    I’m a lumberjack, and I’m OK.
    2500 johnies

  • !navy

    The muppets sing In The Navy.
    2500 johnies

  • !bravo

    Johny Bravo being flashy.
    2500 johnies

  • !mahna

    Mahna Mahna. Mahna Mahna….
    2500 johnies

  • !odetojoy

    Beaker puts up his best effort and sings some joy.
    2500 johnies

  • !roger

    Roger the Alien shows how its done.
    2500 johnies

  • !startrek

    Its life Jim, but not as we know it…
    2500 johnies

  • !stonehenge

    A guy wondering out loud who built the Stonehenge.
    2500 johnies

  • !tomjerry

    A cat is musical, a mouse is irritated.
    2500 johnies

  • !pirates

    Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum.
    2500 johnies